sl Slovenščina
Gibanje, spletanje poslovnih vezi in dobrodelnost- vse to združuje Poslovni tek trojk pod častnim pokroviteljstvom AmCham Slovenija. Tek, ki se je v organizaciji društva šport ob jezeru, odvijal v petek 24. maja na Bledu, je bil tudi letos namenjen zaposlenim podjetij, ki gojijo aktivno poslovno okolje ter športno kulturo ter vsem, ki jih poleg posla navdušujejo rekreacija, športno preživljanje prostega časa in ekipni duh.

Četudi je v petek narava z vremenom 75 prijavljenim ekipam namenila izziv, so organizatorji z Damianom in Luko Ambrožičem na čelu ter udeleženci dokazali, da so ne glede na razmere – tako v poslu, kot tudi v športu – pripravljeni dosegati odlične rezultate!

Na teku je sodelovalo več podjetij- članov AmCham Slovenia, med drugim: GSK, MSD, Spirit, Tenzor, Bistra Ptuj, Sava Hoteli... AmCham Slovenia še posebej iskreno čestita članom, zmagovalcem v kategoriji moških trojk, ekipi Jelovica hiše d.o.o. ter zmagovalcem v kategoriji mešanih trojk- prav tako članom AmCham Slovenija- GSK d.o.o. K zmagi slednjih je zagotovo pripomogla tudi moč in energija mladega ultramaratonca Primoža Kluna, ki je še dan pred tem stal na odru SiTi teatra in se potegoval za naziv AmCham Top Potential of the Year 2013. Četudi mu je laskavi naziv le za las ušel, pa mu ni ušla tudi ekipna zmaga na teku.

Organizatorji in ekipe so s svojo dobro voljo kljub skoraj zimskim razmeram nedvomno pripravili odlično prireditev in hkrati pomagali CUDV Matevža Langusa pri odpiranju novih delovnih priložnosti za ljudi z motnjami v razvoju. Banka Koper, glavni pokrovitelj prireditve, je namreč CUDV Matevža Langusa za vsak pretečen krog okoli jezera podarila 13 €. Kjer je volja, tam je pot- udeleženci teka so v dobrodelne namene zbrali kar 2.300 €!

Po navdihujočem ekipnem teku je sledila razglasitev zmagovalcev in podelitev nagrad med drugim tudi iz rok g. Eugene Young-a, namestnika ameriškega veleposlanika v Sloveniji, ki je s svojim slovenskim govorom požel bučen aplavz množice, ter zanimiv program, dobra glasba in sproščen klepet ob sladkih kremšnitah.

Poslovnega teka trojk se veselimo tudi prihodnje leto!

Exercise, networking and charity – united in the Business Triple Run under the honorary sponsorship of AmCham Slovenia. The Business Triple Run that was organized by šport ob jezeru (Lakeview Sport Events Club) and held on Friday, 24 May in Bled, was also this year dedicated to all the employees of business companies that are engaged in active business environment and sports culture and to all who are besides with business enraptured with recreation, spending leisure time actively and with team spirit.

Although the weather on Friday represented a great challenge to more than 75 registered teams, the participants proved that they are regardless of the circumstances – both in business and in sports – ready to achieve great results!

Run was attended by several companies-members of AmCham Slovenia, including: GSK, MSD, Spirit, Tensor, Bistra Ptuj, Sava Hotels… AmCham Slovenia especially congratulates to its Members, the winning team in the Men`s Category, Jelovica hiše d.o.o. and the winning team in the Mixed Triple Category – as well Members of AmCham Slovenia – GSK d.o.o. To the victory of the latter also undoubtedly contributed the help and energy of the young ultra-marathon runner Primož Klun, who had just the day before stood on the SiTi Theater stage and contended for the title of the AmCham Top Potential of the Year 2013. And if the flattering title was a close call, the team victory at the Business Triple Run certainly was not.

The organizers- special thanks goes to Damian and Luka Ambrožič– and the teams, all in a very good mood despite the winter conditions undoubtedly prepared an excellent event and at the same time helped to the CUDV Matevža Langusa Institute at opening new job opportunities for people with learning disabilities. Banka Koper, the main sponsor of the event namely for each lap that was run donated 13 € to CUDV Matevža Langusa.Where there is a will there is a way- participants of the run collected charity of more than 2.300 €!

After the inspiring team run all the participants gathered at a pleasant reception, where the winners announcement ceremony followed with Mr. Eugene Young, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Slovenia, impressed the crowd with his speech in Slovenian language. Interesting program, good music and friendly socializing with sweet “kremšnite” followed.

We are looking forward to the Business Triple Run also next year very much!