Vabimo vas, da se udeležite FDI Summit Slovenia 2012, kjer je AmCham Slovenija podporni partner, ki bo potekal 20. in 21. septembra. Za vse člane AmCham Slovenija velja 40 % popust pri registraciji.
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V vašem koledarju si označite 21. september, od 8. do 10. ure, EF. za AmCham Poslovni zajtrk, ki bo potekal v okviru FDI Summit Slovenia 2012. Podrobnejše vabilo sledi. Udeležba za člane AmCham Slovenija je brezplačna.
FDI Summit 2012 – »From Rhetoric to implementation«
The FDI Summit 2012 is the only professional event in Slovenia addressing foreign investment, foreign investment trends in changing economic conditions and the importance of foreign capital for future growth.
This, the third FDI Summit is themed ‘From Rhetoric to Implementation’. There has been a lot of talk but not much action, this needs to change. The Government of Slovenia has publically acknowledged that foreign capital is need to help Slovenia emerge from the economic woes wrought by the global financial crisis. They are committed to increasing the presence of foreign companies in the country and believes FDI is a key component for competitiveness and ultimately growth. Hear from the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economic Development and Technology the strategy to encourage companies to base their operations and regional headquarters in Slovenia. Hear also from top Slovenian economists, what can you expect in Slovenian business environment in next years.
The conference, in contrast to other ‘investor’ conferences, effectively links potential investors, state sector entities, ministries, state enterprises, professional and research institutions, domestic and foreign-owned private companies and international corporations.
Why Slovenia?
Much has been said about Slovenia’s competitive advantages – its key geo-strategic position, its highly educated workforce, its access to the region…. All this is true!
That is not to say that doing business is plain sailing. Much is made about the bureaucracy, the resistance to foreign knowledge and input. The Government has listened to these concerns and has already made positive changes, centralizing resources and simplifying process. Recently the Minister for Economic Development and Technology stated that “Unification of the concept for the representation of the Slovenian economic strategy towards all potential foreign investors and overseas in general.
Major global companies are long term investors in Slovenia. Equally there is the realization that Slovenia is a small country and therefore needs to promote its advantages. It is known as a key sector for energy, energy efficiency and high tech industries. The CEO’s of companies such as Goodyear Dunlop Central & South-East Europe, Bosch Siemens, Knauf Insulation Hella Saturnus and many others will share their stories of why their companies are committed to Slovenia, why they are making additional investments, why they are employing more experts and moving their development toward energy efficient technology.