sl Slovenščina

AmCham Slovenia v sodelovanju z Ron Brown Fellowship Program, bo gostil

gospo Roumiano Gotsevo, Foresight Alliance,

v sredo, 2. marca 2011, ob 17:30 v prostorih Ekonomske fakultete v Ljubljani (LILA dvorana), Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana.

Tema predavanja bo bila ‘Wicked Problems’ Tamed By Foresight

Na kratko o Roumiani Gotsevi:

Her purpose is opening up choice – and from there, novel opportunities and the potential for change. She achieves this by heightening people’s awareness of the many lenses with which they can view the world, helping them make clear and conscious choices in the midst of complexity and ambiguity.

Roumiana has 20 years of global business experience working as consulting futurist, foresight practitioner, strategy consultant, project manager, workshop facilitator and trainer, and organizational consultant.

References: PepsiCo, Kraft, Cadbury PLC, Marriott International, BP, Kellogg, Anglo-American, AARP, General Dynamics, GEC Ferranti, British Aerospace, British Nuclear Fuels; the European Commission (IST, e-Content and Phare programs); government agencies in the US, UK, Austria, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Lithuania, Macedonia, Bulgaria; academia; and SMEs.