sl Slovenščina

19. april 2016, Ljubljana

Le še nekaj dni nas loči do prvega dogodka programa Best of the Best – Inovativnost.

Veseli smo, da tudi letos sodeluje toliko super projektov, ki nam dajejo navdih in nas vedno znova navdušujejo.

Komisija Best Practice Academy je imela zelo težko delo, saj so morali izmed vseh prijavljenih projektov izluščiti 9 najboljših, 3 za vsak sklop. Njihova naloga pa s tem še ni zaključena. Na vsakem dogodku bodo poleg publike in ključnega poslušalca s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami pomagali izbrati zmagovalca posameznega sklopa.

Best Practice Academy pripomore k širjenju dobrih praks tudi med člane AmCham skupnosti, zato smo jih prosili, da z nami delijo svoja življenjska vodila.

Danes vam razkrivamo prvih 6!

I believe in the principle that learning never ends. It is essential to stand with both feet on the ground, to seek opportunities, accept diversity, try new things. With such approach you can better understand the present and the past, that can help you make better decisions for the future.

Aleksander Baretič, Mars Overseas Holdings

Correct regard towards all people, inovativeness and passion make my days – business or/and privat – full of contentment.

Rok Cuderman, Petrol

The best things (projects, work accomplishments, etc.) happen when you put your heart into it.

Simona Dijak, Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

Tea Gasser, PwC

“Positive attitude is my life philosophy. Go and embrace the moment, whether it contains an obstacle or an opportunity. I am inspired by people and things that matter and contribute to a better life quality.”

Maja Langerholc, KPMG

Life is too beautiful to give up!

Tanja Subotič, IBM Slovenija

Se vidimo 19. aprila v Hotelu Slon, kjer se bodo predstavili projekti:

Ypsilon –

Danfoss Trata – 24Idea

Lek – Visoko zmogljiva metoda za napovedovanje aktivnosti protiteles

Dodatne informacije:

Za vse dodatne informacije o programu in nagradnem natečaju Best of the Best se prosimo obrnite na koordinatorko programa Katjo Čenčur,, 040/656-989.