sl Slovenščina

Odkrivamo izjemne razsežnosti, priložnosti in uporabo ene pomembnejših inovacij na področju internetnih tehnologij, blockchain tehnologije, v gospodarstvu.

V sklopu AmCham Blockchain delovne skupine bomo na temo primerov dobrih praks uporabe blockchain tehnologije v gospodarstvu gostili

Karolino Marzantowicz,

Chief Technology Officer for Central and East Europe, Distinguished Engineer, IBM Academy of Technology Member, IBM.

Predstavila nam bo konkretne projekte na področju uporabe blockchain tehnologije v različnih industrijah.

Srečanje bo potekalo v torek, 28. novembra 2017, od 15.00 do 17.00 ure, v IBM Innovation Center, Kristalna palača,  Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.

Srečanje je namenjeno AmCham Blockchain delovni skupini in posebnim gostom. 


Karolina Marzantowicz bridges the technology, business innovation and psychology worlds. She acts as technical leader and a catalyst fostering curiosity to help lead the adaptation to rapidly changing IT environments and to drive organizational agility. With 23 years of working experience (of which 16 in IBM) Karolina has been supporting financial services companies  in driving complex digital transformations, building and executing high growth strategies, introducing emerging technologies, innovative products and services for global international brands as well as hacking growth with startups around the world. She was recognized as Top 20 Women in Fintech in 2016. Karolina is guest speaker at global focus conferences, author of many publications and books.