28. 07. 2014
28. 07. 2014
Regional BitCoin Conference Ljubljana – Special Offer for AmCham Slovenia members
07. 07. 2014
AmCham Slovenia:US Family Sports Picnic
07. 07. 2014
AmCham Slovenia commented on the government decision to put on hold the privatization
06. 07. 2014
Do you want to stand as a member of the Board of Governors of AmCham Slovenia?
01. 07. 2014
Conference on Public Private Partnership
23. 06. 2014
Inspiring afternoon in company of the best: Best of the Best MOTIVATION
18. 06. 2014
AmCham SLovenia is official partner of the conference IDC Adriatics Expo 2014
15. 06. 2014
AmCham Slovenia – a proud partner of Slovene Armed Forces and Association of Friends of Youth Slovenia at the socially responsible project »Together with you for the first family vacation«
12. 06. 2014
Canadian Business Club with guest speaker Bradwin Niblock
10. 06. 2014
AmCham Slovenia and U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana in an open letter presented suggestions for Slovenian economic growth
10. 06. 2014