en English

Chair: Barbra Rudmann, Johnson & Johnson d.o.o.

Barbra Rudmann holds bachelor degree in Economics and International Business. Her career encompasses more than 20 years of working experiences out of which 15 years in different managerial positions, most of the time as director of sales and marketing in Central and Eastern Europe. At the moment she works as Health Care Compliance Officer for South East Europe at Johnson & Johnson, as a member of management board. As well she is member of Council of Professionals of European Institute for Compliance and Ethics. Mrs. Rudmann is as well lecturer, coach and author of many published articles in field of leadership, development of people and engaged teams.

Main goals and objectives of the Corporate Ethics and Transparency Committee for 2015:

active cooperation and dialog with government on designing and execution of effective anti corruption program and increase of ethical and transparent way of doing business;

promotion and education of ethical and transparent way of doing business through close cooperation with different faculties and other educational institutions in Slovenia;

cooperation and seeking synergies with other institutions on the market with the aim to raise awareness about ethical and transparent business among private and public entities.