Snowball has successfully presented its ideas to the general public using various channels and has established dialogue with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Snowball believes in cooperation and that improving communication between all stakeholders could effect positive change and shifts in many ways.

After sharing a “pizza and beer” with Boris Koprivnikar, Minister of Public Administration and Deputy Prime Minister, Snowball made a pitch for the Partnership for Change project. The program started out as a pilot employee exchange program between the public and private sectors, and then expanded over four rounds to 14 public administration bodies, over 60 companies, and more than 220 people who took part in a range of projects and employee exchanges. The program participants work together to push back boundaries, challenge stereotypes, and create positive stories. Over the four rounds, the Partnership for Change truly became a national platform for cooperation.

Snowball representatives also started the initiative to make Slovenia the green reference country in digital Europe, which was in turn endorsed by the Slovenian Government. With the initiative, Snowball hoped to highlight Slovenia as a country of optimism and opportunity, where, however, positive changes can only happen through cooperation and an open dialogue between business, government, science, and civil society. This is the only way an environment favorable to an open digital society can be shaped, enabling growth and development, and as a result, raising the standard of living for all citizens.
The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy invited Snowball representatives to help prepare Strategy 2050, a new strategic document defining long-term development objectives and strategies for Slovenia.
Snowball 1.0
Snowball focused on two key topics in 2017:
1. Jobs of the Future
The Jobs of the Future project focused on transformations associated with jobs and employment. Snowball identified the factors determining jobs and work activities in the future. In cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, Snowball carried out detailed calculations of the changes, which took into account new developments in digitalization and AI development, changes in demographics, globalization, and other disruptors that have greatly affected the job market.
As part of the project, Snowball wanted to educate the general public about the forecasts for the future, thus helping Slovenia prepare itself better for the upcoming changes. The group came up with specific proposals for reforms in education, the social system, and tax legislation, and presented them to key figures in the public sector and business.
2. Green Entrepreneur (tourism, energy industry, agriculture)
Snowball believes that pristine Slovenian nature is the country’s greatest competitive advantage. Snowball members therefore researched new business models in the green, sustainable, and circular economy. Green Entrepreneur group members developed a Green Village prototype, which builds around sustainability and functions on the principle of cycles. It meets the needs the local population, visitors, and tourists, and strives for cohabitation. The Green Village combines the elements of mobility, agriculture, energy industry, gastronomy, culture, accommodations, and tourist services.
Snowball 2.0
Snowball 2.0 has been dealing with talents. It has defined what talents are in the business world and what they need to achieve their potential, and devised the prototype of a country that nurtures talents. It looked for solutions on how to provide talents with an adequate environment for work in Slovenia and how to attract foreign and Slovenian talents (back) to Slovenia.
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