After a long wait, we finally met 140 business leaders of the next generation and participants of the 8th generation of AmCham Young Professionals. At the first two introductory meetings, they presented themselves through the values of AmCham Slovenia – optimism, cooperation, creativity, trust and passion, and they shared with us their inspirations and desires.
Representatives of the 8th generation also met the finalists of the 7th generation of AmCham Young Professionals. Mirela Čanić from Petrol, Tadej Jančar from Steklarna Hrastnik, Sandra Kecman from Bisonde and Gašper Hren from Danfoss Trata, shared their experiences and advised the new generation.
Sandra Kecman from Bisnode said: "Try to get out of your comfort zone. AmCham Young Professionals is a ship where you will be the generator of energy. You have the opportunity to meet and get surrounded with people who stand out from the average. They are the ones that have the passion and are motivated. They want to change the environment outside of their offices. "
Gašper Hren from Danfoss Trata told young leaders that they became the AmCham Young Professionals because they have the potential to make changes. "For me, it was the biggest surprise that today in conversations or debates, we tend to use empty words without content. With my colleagues from AmCham Young Professionals and my mentors, I always have an intense debate, full of content,” Gašper added.
“Everything we do, we do with passion. We are solving challenges together, in collaboration. Creativity is what separates us from others. Optimism is the way to success, and trust between us is the foundation of integration.”

Ajša Vodnik, Executive Director of AmCham Slovenia, advised future business leaders: "How to connect energy that changes the mindset? That was the issue that we asked ourselves when we were creating the program. There are many exceptional young people in this room. You create a collective awareness of cooperation, you encourage each other and grow together. Be present on the field. For AmCham Slovenia, the AmCham Young Professionals program is an idea generator, opportunity generator and energy generator. It is important that we direct energy into creating a better society.”
All participants of the 8th generation have also presented themselves in front of the camera. Therefore, in August you will get the opportunity to meet the 8th generation of AmCham Young Professionals almost as in person.