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Member of the AmCham Blockchain Task Force were discussing the best practice examples of the use of Blockchain Technology in various industries with a special guest, Karolina Marzantowicz, Chief Technology Officer for Central and Eastern Europe, Distinguished Engineer, IBM Academy of Technology Member, IBM.

 »Blockchain is no longer an innovation for me, it is one of the most important technology that is drastically changing and shaping the digital economy«, stressed Karolina and added: »we could say that Blockchain is a network, based on trust and transparency, which helps us to deeper integrate our businesses«.

In last 2 years IBM has implemented more than 600 projects. The participants have discussed three of them:

  1. The implementation of the Blockchain technology into one of the biggest logistic companies Maersk, which is using the technology to better track the shipment and to measure the temperature in their containers.

  1. Blockchain is being used by Everledger to register diamonds, which helps better tracking of diamonds and which is in particular important in the frame of Kimberley Process.

  1. How Poland’s Central Securities Depository Uses IBM Blockchain to Revolutionize Annual General Meeting’s Voting.

The development of the pilot project is three months. Industries that are implementing the blockchain technology the most are in particular financial and insurance industries, energy markets and healthcare. It is also increasingly used public administration, in particular in relations of:

  • Government to citizen (example: universities degrees)
  • Government to vendor (increases transparency, open and similar standards across the Europe)
  • Government to government (increases efficiency)
  • Government to business (transparency, help companies to experiment with new technologies).