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Without any limitations or rules, the teams of the 8th generation AmCham Young Professionals have set bold models of talents in business and of the environment that promotes talent.

At the two-day workshop we addressed challenges together with the participants of the 8th generation AmCham Young Professionals in a game by constructing solutions using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method. Within each team, we wished to connect and be open for new ideas by searching for our common denominators. By forming models of talents in business and of an ideal environment for promoting talent, the participants of this working weekend participated in resolving the first phase of the Snowball 2.0 challenge – “Talents in business – who are they? How to develop, attract, and keep them in the Slovenian business environment?”


Passion was recognized as the main characteristic of a talent. Interested in more? We will tell you more in the following weeks about the models that our young talents formed.

“Young Professionals weekend workshop: improving our potential & crushing comfort zones with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY & SOCIODRAMA methods.”

Živa Juriševič
Novo Nordisk




The AmCham Young Professionals™ Sociodrama was unlike any theatre course we know. We removed our masks and began establishing trust by remembering that one should sometimes stop before moving on. A Sociodrama is an improvised role play under the “here and now” principle originating from a psychodrama—a psychotherapeutic method used for developing personality and business potential, imagination, flexibility and communication.

Moderated by: day 1: Mr. Anže Bečaj, a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® moderator, an entrepreneur, and a member of the AmCham Young Leaders Club and day 2: Mrs. Ana Rokvić Pinterič, a producer at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, and a head of the psychodrama workshops.

“Before, I was quite skeptical about LEGO SERIOUS PLAY but am quite thrilled about it now – it is an excellent way of getting to know your colleagues, it promotes fast thinking, creativity, public performance, clear formulation of one's thoughts, and nevertheless, it also gives new information and helps with forming new ideas about how talents in business should be perceived.

I was surprised and also thrilled by the Sociodrama workshop because it was so unusual and extraordinary. All the participants were (in my opinion) quite skeptical and reserved at the beginning but in the course of the workshop, we all relaxed and simply enjoyed it. We connected strongly and got to know each other (gained trust in “strangers”). It was also extremely positive that we got to express our aspirations and to talk about the positive features of other participants. Such a workshop can remind us how very often we wear masks in social relationships; how uncomfortable it sometimes is to look into someone’s eyes or to face the truth; what advantages come by being direct, by expressing our thoughts clearly and by having faith in others.”

Jan Primec, Karanović & Nikolić law firm, Slovenian branch

 “We all knew LEGO bricks as a means to relax, to stimulate thinking processes and associations. But the Sociodrama offers a new aspect of surmounting any personal obstacles. It is very interesting from the perspective of motivation and team building.”

Timotej Vitez, SVRK

“Young Professionals weekend workshop: improving our potential & crushing comfort zones with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY & SOCIODRAMA methods. We did the LEGO challenge which was an experience that activated my every brain cell; I was surprised what our brain can come up with if we only let them. The second exercise was sociodrama where we were pushed out of our comfort zones; we acquired new skills, and connected with a new person, forming a life-long bond.”

Živa Juriševič, Novo Nordisk