The five problematics are:
1. Procedural barriers and inefficiencies and ineffective implementation and transposition of European directives into Slovenian legislation, which members of AmCham will show to the Minister concrete examples of issues regarding the implementation and transposition of directives from Europe in the Slovenian legislation, a concrete example of the Centres for waste management, and they will give him the proposal on environmental permits.
2. The problem of financing (public-private partnership – the country lacks its own resources, but does not accept private equity, the Cohesion Fund, European Funds, …)
3. Spatial Planning (simplification of procedures related to the design space – which is equally important for the investor as the environment as the difficulties in obtaining licenses represent a serious obstacle for existing and potencional investors.
4. Torts in the field of environmental law and insurance.
5. Needs to simplify administrative procedures.
Representatives of AmCham members that work within the Environment and Spatial Working Committee will meet Minister Roko Žarnić on 22nd March and they will officially hand over the Position paper, which includes positions and suggestions for the improvement of the existing situation in the Slovenian business environment.