en English

Countdown with us!

With the initiative Believe in Slovenia we want to connect Slovenia and USA, unite Slovenians who have convinced the world with their American story, Americans with Slovenian roots, and Slovenians who are living and working in USA. Also, we will present Americans who feel Slovenia and because of that believe in it.

We want to present exceptional individuals, who are linked through their achievements on various fields, which are in any way connected with USA and through their positive emotions towards Slovenia. Through our work we often encounter inspiring individuals, who amaze us over and over again with talents, achievements, willpower, strength, and they all have in common – they believe in Slovenia. They are linked to Slovenia through emotions, memories, experience, tales, which they try to enrich and consciously cherish. These individuals are mainly characterized by the fact that regardless of the political-economic situation, current conditions at home and in the world, they mostly gaze at Slovenia with optimism and delight.

Believe in Slovenia is an initiative, with which we want to present, in a positive atmosphere, the friendship between USA and Slovenia. We want to expose best from the connection between us, present where in the USA has Slovenia it`s best friends and »ambassadors«.

We unite the USA and Slovenia at the core and heart.

Believe With Us. Be Love.