en English

The event of Makers is finally coming to Slovenia this year. Mini Maker Faire Ljubljana will take place on May 13th 2017 at Tobačna, where Makers of all kinds will share their work and ideas. Consortium of Slovene organizations that work in the field of technology innovations, new educational models and contemporary art practices, are preparing an event that the founders describe as 'the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth — a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement'.

Call for Makers is already open. All companies, laboratories, workshops and individuals are invited to apply to showcase their products and research, to share it with visitors and to create new connections.

Maker Faire festivals are present from 2006 onwards and they expanded all across the world. Networking and active participation in creation are the main points of the event. Therefore we call out for collaboration to Makers and sponsors. This gathering of fascinating, curious people, who enjoy learning and who love to share their work and knowledge, will inspire many. It will be free of charge to anyone who wishes to attend and it will be full of Hands-on activities, learning 3D technology, soldering, creating gadgets, flying quad-copters and many other amazing activities.

Visit us at ljubljana.makerfaire.com where you can apply for collaboration.

For all the sponsor opportunities you can reach us at: info@makerfaireljubljana.com