Members of Best Practice Academy visited Microsoft's office in Slovenia, where they learned about their playful work environment and the new way of working in their corporation that brings great results.
"This is an excellent environment for creating new ideas, teamwork and dynamic communication," said Lara Vodlan, a member of Best Practice Academy and Marketing Manager for Slovenia and Albania, Microsoft Slovenia. Microsoft's work environment is playful. It is characterized by a lot of colors, where you can also find a football table, a swing and a bycicle.
With the new leadership, the global culture of the company has changed. For Microsoft the key is the tway of thinking, the "growth mindset", and a new way of working that connects people and space through technology. The premises of the company are equipped all over the world by the same system: only 15 % of work desks are allocated, so that most employees get an opportunity to sit each day at the different desk with a different colleague. Working tables are are fewer than the employees.
All this is connected with digital transformation and technology that enables communication of employees at all times and on all continents. Working from home or from anywhere else is being promoted. The reward is also adapted to this – the reward depends on the contribution to the success of others rather than just on personal results.

A working environment that resembles the playground.