en English

Ambassadors of 15 AmCham values meet for the first time to plan a promotion of 15 AmCham values

Do you remember us dancing on the stage at our 15th anniversary? We were in a very good company of our 15 new ambassadors that will represent the 15 most important values of AmCham Slovenia and our community.

At the celebration of 15 years of AmCham in Slovenia we decided to dedicate the year 2015 to promote these 15 values, because we believe that they represent the core of each business and we want to put greater attention and awareness to these values, so they do also become a part of our everyday lives. We invited individuals from our community to join us and be the ambassadors of these values.

We have 15 ambassadors for 15 values and be prepared to hear from them during this year. There have been really good ideas going around at the first meeting, and we are sure that our ambassadors will promote their values in the best way possible.