en English

EESTEC LC Ljubljana has an honor to again organise, after 8 years, the largest annual meeting of the international organisation EESTEC. We are bringing more than 100 future electrical engineering and computer science engineers from 49 universities and 23 European countries right in the heart of Slovenia, in Ljubljana.

About Congress

The purpose of the Congress is to improve the operation strategy of all European members of EESTEC. Furthermore, its objectives are discussions on current issues in our profession, professional development of members, establishment of guidelines for greater mobility of young people in the European area and elections for the new governing body, which leads and guides the organisation in the year to come.

Participants of the Congress are students of electrical engineering and computer science in their final year of study that have been active members of EESTEC for years. In addition to essential professional knowledge, they have obtained working habits and various (soft) skills, such as taking initiative, flexibility, successful communication and teamwork.


EESTEC is an european students organisation that aims to unite electrical engineering and computer science students all over the Europe in order to reach their full potential in academic and social life. We offer the students a handful of opportunities to build their desired career by enabling them to acquire knowledge that will make them suited for today's demands and establishing a connection with technological companies, their future employers. LC Ljubljana is one of the founding members of EESTEC with our members setting high standards with their enthusiasm and ingenuity for last 30 years, which also resulted in AmCham Best of the Best 2015 award.