On one hand there is the courtesy of protocol whereas on the other a sincere enthusiasm for our country and for all of our achievements throughout 20 years could be observed. Namely, we have been on the opportunity of the business luncheon held at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, presented as follows: »Slovenia is the state of the first. Was the first of the EU’s new members states to adopt the Euro in 2007, the first which presided the EU, it maintains the highest standard of living in Central and Eastern Europe. Located at the nexus of Mediterranean, Germanic, and Slavic Europe, Slovenia has key commercial connections in its wider region«. They praised our excellent labor force. Our quality of living. The potential investors are certainly aware of some deficiencies as well, especially within the inflexibility of the legislation of the working market and referring to the high expenses regarding the labor particularly the educated one. Some other obstacles have been pointed out, but nevertheless we are seen as the »state of the first« for which I truly wish we could feel such enthusiasm also back home and thus prove that we really are – »the state of the first«. We are being presented with much enthusiasm all the time and everywhere also by Ambassador Mussomeli.
The proof of great importance, also in the eyes of the American administration, may be exhibited in the call of the Prime Minister on the President of the United States of America. Pahor was namely scarcely the third Prime Minister as regards the European countries received by President Obama in the White House. The meeting with Geithner is an important stimulation for business cooperation as well. We should therefore make good use of this wave of enthusiasm and especially try to transmit it to our country. We should be aware of the fact that one is important for how much one values oneself.
For not remaining merely at words, we wish to make a decisive step, together with our partners, in order to consolidate the business ties between Slovenia and the United States of America. There will be a conference of investment »U.S. – Slovenia Business Bridge«, organized by f American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia, the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investment (JAPTI), the United States Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED) with support by Ministry of Foreign affairs, Ministry of Economy and GZS in April (more information to be resumed). You are sincerely invited to cooperation!
Ajša Vodnik, M.Sc.