namely, despite the pugnacity among individual opponents – who frankly stated themselves as either Democrats or Republicans within conversations related to politics, they communicated about all other topics completely in a relaxed manner and did not enter into a level of personal discreditations. Unfortunately, the image and relations were presented differently in the media. Irrespective of their political affiliation, they both support NEI (National Export Inciative). Surprisingly, merely 1% of American companies exports, and therefore they see in it their greatest opportunity for development and creation of new working positions. They agreed upon supporting the Invest in
Therefore I am especially glad to learn that Mr. Borut Pahor, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia expressed willingness to listen to the constructive suggestions regarding the necessary changes – if we wish to attract more FDI to Slovenia and become a better business and investment environment – which were on behalf of AmCham Slovenia and U.S. Embassy on Friday, 5 November 2010 to the Prime Minister expressed by Mr. Tomaž Lovše, the President of AmCham Slovenia and Mr. Bradly Freden, Charge d Affaires a.i. of the US Embassy.
I wish you great November and I hope you will take some time out of your busy schedule to attend our events, since we will have great guests.