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Register for the Program!

American Chamber of Commerce – AmCham Slovenia celebrates its 15th Anniversary. As a powerful business community with more than 250 corporate members, we wish to celebrate the anniversary in cooperation with You, our members.

The purpose of our project Best of the Best is to find those among our members who will share their best practices with us and thus bring new knowledge and experience into Slovenian environment. We believe that such a transfer of good practices will contribute to an important enrichment of the wider Slovenian Economic Area.

We will on three Best of the Best events present a total of 15 best practices from three different categories, which will be selected among the members upon a special competition. A special committee will together with the participants of the events select the winners of each selected category, which will compete for the Best of the Best Award. The Award will be presented at the gala event celebrating the 15th Anniversary. In addition to the award and promotion, the winning projects will as well receive a free publication in the AmCham Annual Yearbook at the end of 2014, with which the companies and their projects also get a broader recognized value.

General Information

AmCham Slovenia was founded in 1999 as a voluntary nonprofit organization. Today it holds the position of the leading international business community in Slovenia, totaling more than 250 international and Slovenian member companies – including many of the largest and most important firms in Slovenia.

We are happy and proud to announce that in 2014 we are celebrating our 15 Great Years Anniversary in Slovenia, and we decided to do it together with you, our AmCham Slovenia members. We decided to involve you in finding the 15 best business projects and presenting them to the business public.


We want to expose and promote the good work, creativity, and success of members’ projects that make / have made a difference, and those that are great models to present. We celebrate with our members and focus on you great stories – we are, because you are.

Purpose of the program

Promote the excellence and good practices of our members through your successful stories and projects. Your success is our fuel, and to celebrate means to celebrate with you. Cooperation in Best of the Best is a great opportunity for our members / partners to present and publicize their businesses – we expect also media coverage.


February 14 2014, AmCham issues a tender to AmCham Slovenia member companies. Any AmCham member can apply.

March 20 2014, deadline for companies to apply projects / programs. By the end of March AmCham Member Committees will choose 5 best projects from each category.

Three events in three different themed categories will subsequently follow:

April- Innovation (development, new practices, the introduction of novelties, etc.)

June- Motivation (marketing, PR, corporate communication, etc.)

September- Openness (international cooperation, integration with the competition, communication with customers, etc.)

The three topics (Innovation, Motivation, Openess) were set broadly as basic thematic starting points. At these events, five projects will be presented per event by their companies in 10-minute presentations.

At the end of each event, participants will have the opportunity to vote for the winner of particular category. We will choose one winner among the 3 best projects from 3 different categories at the closing ceremony of the 15th Anniversary of AmCham.

Project scope

Companies can register with one or more projects that have already expired or are still in progress, locally, nationally, or internationally.


We kindly ask you to send filled in Best of the Best Application form (see attachment) latest by March 20 2014 to katarina.makovec@amcham.si

Tender Evaluation

After the tender is closed, AmCham Slovenia’s Membership committee will evaluate the projects and will select a maximum of five top projects by category that AmCham Slovenia believes make a difference and can also be a source of great practice for other companies, for the economy and society in general.

After the selection is made for the top 15 projects, these will also be evaluated at each event by the public.

Best of the Best Award

All projects participating in Best of the Best program will be presented in AmCham Yearbook 2014 / 2015. The best projects from the three categories will be presented at the AmCham 15 Great Years Celebration Event, where they will compete to win the Best of the Best award. The winning project will receive:

  • Company- free AmCham Slovenia membership for 2015
  • Special education training for 10 people
  • Weekend trip to New York (one person)
  • AmCham promotion and broader

For any questions and further information, please, do not hesitate to contact Katarina Makovec, coordinator of the program: katarina.makovec@amcham.si, 040 766 999

Best of the Best Competition Application Form