en English

Barbara Domicelj, General Manager, Microsoft Slovenia

What in life motivates you the most and what are you most proud of?

My daughter is my main motivator and my source of pride. In general, I am impressed by the young people I follow with their curiosity and openness to change, as they invent themselves almost every year, from the taste for clothing to the worldview around them. It is this openness and understanding that we are not forever stuck in our own knowledge, abilities and ways of working, that I sometimes miss in the adult and business world.

What values ​​lead you in your work?

The foundation is honesty, first to yourself, which can be the hardest, and then to your colleagues, clients and partners. Only through honesty and open communication you can build lasting relationships and inspire people for common goals.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your business journey so far?

That life is unpredictable and that anything, even a carefully planned plan, can be torn down in an instant. Therefore, it is always good to have a backup option, a plan B.

Nominate one of your colleagues who is also a member of the AmCham community to become the next face of AmCham!

I nominate Aleš Leskošek from Comtrade.