en English

European Institute of compliance and ethics is organizing an Annual compliance and business ethics conference. It will take place on October 4, 2016 in Bled.

The programe of the conference is published HERE.

Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc will be speaking at this year’s regional Conference for Compliance and Ethics, on October 4 in Bled, Slovenia

Organized by EICE – European Institute for Compliance and Ethics (EISEP) and UN Global Compact Slovenia, at IEDC – Bled School of Management

You can see check the following up-dates in the schedule, here: http://eisep.si/en/

Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc, founder of GEC Risk Advisory LLC from New York (https://gecrisk.com/) is internationally recognized expert and one of the most fruitful authors in compliance and ethics, corruption, reputational and cyber security risk and governance. She speaks at conferences in different parts of the world, as she fluently speaks German and Spanish. She is an author of Reputational Risk Handbook, as well as many articles and statements, quoted also by the most visible media, like Wall Street Journal in BBC. Her career includes nearly two decades as a senior executive (head of legal, risk, governance, audit, ethics, compliance, EHS, strategic communications, CSR) for four global companies in several sectors (energy, infrastructure, media, technology, defence), and over two decades of corporate governance experience in different functions at companies and non-government organizations. Andrea is also an honourable member of Council of Professionals of EICE – European Institute of Compliance and Ethics (EISEP).

We are proud to have Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc at this year’s conference in Bled, to be able to listen to her in person, as she will present on cyber security risk, with connection to compliance; And in the closing part of the conference, she will also lead the work-shop on supply-chain compliance and ethics risk assessment. She will lead us with her valuable knowledge and experiences and several cases in this topic.

Don’t miss out on all this and register before the end of August for early bird rate, by e mail: info@eisep.si, in subject: ‘CCE 2016 Bled Registration’, stating also the organization of which you are a member for possible additional discount rate.

* All necessary translations into English are going to be taken care for at the conference.

Conference is meant for:

Members of the board of directors (executive and non-executive) and other managers, who are responsible for your business operations including compliance and ethics of business conduct and decision-making by yourself, other employees and third parties. By recognizing current and emerging trends and good practices in this area, you can better help defend your business from losses; not only ending up strengthening your compliance and ethics program, but also strengthening your business competitiveness.

Regulators and other supervisory and governmental bodies’ representatives; who supervise organizations and legality of their operations, constitute their liability based on their due care and adequate procedures; and thus build the environment for strengthening the development of effective compliance and ethics programs within organizations.

Compliance and ethics professionals, who are establishing and managing compliance and ethics program within organizations, who also give advice to senior management and other employees on existing and emerging compliance and ethics issues, concerning your organization’s business.

(Internal) audit experts, who cooperate with compliance professionals and audit the compliance function and compliance program.

CSR professionals, who are tightly related by your work area to compliance and ethics.

Legal experts, consultants, PR and other interested professionals, who are in different ways stakeholders in an effective compliance and ethics program and the integrity of your organization.

Registration fees:

Regular fee………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 385.00 EUR

Early Bird fee until August 31.…..………………………………………………………………………… 346.50 EUR

Early Bird fee for AmCham Slovenia members………………………….……………………………..…327.25 EUR

Early Bird fee for AmCham Slovenia members until August 31………………………………………… 288.75 EUR