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In a company with an outstanding entrepreneur and one of the world`s leading thinkers on Big Data, Mr. Jeff Jonas

IBM Slovenija, patron of the AYLClub program, kindly enabled us to meet a very special individual, who amazed us all with his sense of humor, amazing mind and way of seeing things, Mr. Jeff Jonas, IBM Fellow.

Thank you, Amcham, for the opportunity to meet Jeff Jonas, a remarkable individual with limitless and contagious energy and enthusiasm. He surely reminded ma to live life to the fullest. I was inspired by his desire for knowledge and experience – he truly stimulates one’s curiosity and creativity to their full potential.

Lea Lipovšek, Marketing Manager, špica International

I was impressed by Jeff’s energy and a bit of craziness, which confirmed once more that with the right attitude we can achieve anything. And what I will take with me from this conversation is that you should always do your best, and even more than that if necessary, to deliver what you promise.

Petra Kocjan, Director, Ypsilon Institute