AmCham Regular Annual General Assembly will be held in September. There will be two open position in the Board of Governors and position of AmCham President is open for (re)-election.
Citation from AmCham Slovenia Bylaws:
»Any representative of the member of AmCham has the right to run for the member of the Board and be elected. A candidacy is valid if supported in writing by at least seven members; the Board is also allowed to propose candidates.
The names of the candidates must be known to the members at least five days prior to the relevant General Assembly meeting with the elections for new Governors on the Agenda. The same rules apply for the candidacy for the President of the Board.
An individual will be elected to the position of the Board member in a secret ballot at the General Assembly meeting. Election procedure shall be separate for the election of President and the election of Governors; President is elected from one list of candidates, Governors from the other«.
In case you would be interested to run please let us know: