At the meeting, the members of the committee critically assessed the draft Healthcare and Health Insurance Act. From the perspective of economic competitiveness and the projections of the act on the future demographic profile of Slovenia, the act is problematic. The costs of introducing the reforms are not known and the reform is not systemic, as it regulates only the financing of healthcare, but not its organization, where there is room for increased savings through improved process management.
The committee’s three focal points remain the same:
- management and organization of the healthcare system (digitization of hospitals, success indicators, etc.),
- financing of the healthcare system (long-term sustainability, etc.),
- system for evaluating technologies and implementing healthcare innovations.
At the meeting, at which the proposal for a public response to the draft act was the main topic, the committee members also discussed care for the elderly, which is already a burden on the healthcare system, and possible solutions, and agreed that in the future they would also present their viewpoints to various stakeholders and try to find partners in the dialogue.