en English

AmCham Labor Committee

Labor market flexibility is crucial for restructuring and for greater economic competitiveness, for preservation of jobs and for creating new employment opportunities – even for hard-to-employ groups of the working population, the youth (first time jobseekers), the elderly, the disabled etc. Labor market flexibility means greater social security for workers in case they lose their employment.

Current legislation in Slovenia provides several flexible forms of work (fixed-term contracts, part-time work contracts, work at home, temporary work, casual employment etc.). These enable employers to quickly adapt to market conditions – rapid fluctuations in demand for their products or services – as these forms of employment make it easier to hire new workers or to stop working with employees who are no longer needed due to business reasons. Current legislation still has plenty of room for improved adjustments in the spirit of European directives, with an emphasis on flexicurity, thereby increasing satisfaction among workers and at the same time preventing fraudulent uses of labor market flexibility among employers.

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