19. 04. 2011
15. 04. 2011
AmCham Committees – Achievements
14. 04. 2011
Societe Air France, Tremblay en France; Podružnica Ljubljana
14. 04. 2011
14. 04. 2011
We are welcoming new members in April
14. 04. 2011
9th AmCham Young Professionals Meeting with
14. 04. 2011
AmCham Young Professionals top 5 finalists chosen. You are kindly invited to enroll your participants for the second generation of AmCham Young Professionals.
14. 04. 2011
AmCham Business Breakfast with guest speaker Dr. Franc Križanič, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia
14. 04. 2011
Dear members,
14. 04. 2011
U.S.-Slovenia Business Bridge Conference
14. 04. 2011
AmCham RUN
14. 04. 2011