en English

Investment and business opportunities are our priority. Let’s put Slovenia on the map of top competitive countries and let’s work together for Slovenia to become the first choice for investors coming to Europe.

Slovenia Business BridgeTM is an investment and development conference devoted to presenting the Slovenian investment environment and business opportunities to foreign investors, and highlighting specific opportunities for Slovenian companies in the U.S. and other foreign markets. The conference is held every two years and connects the business world, investors, state representatives, and the diplomatic corps.


Slovenia Business Bridge™ 2023

The 7th Slovenia Business Bridge™ Investment and Development Conference, held on September 2122, 2023, titled “Believe in Business – Crossroads of Opportunity,” focused on global economic challenges and the role of business in creating sustainable, interconnected communities. The panels highlighted the importance of family businesses and addressed topics such as connectivity, the drive for a green future, and the power of technology and artificial intelligence. The event brought together more than 40 speakers – industry experts – to discuss the impact of large corporations on economic growth, and more than 350 participants had the opportunity to exchange the best practices to strengthen local, regional, and global economies. 



Slovenia Business Bridge™ 2021

Slovenia, the land of many possibilities, what can be achieved with hard work, how to be attractive to companies and at the same time retain talent in the country, what creativity means – all these were the topics of the opening event of the 6th investment development conference Slovenia Business BridgeTM.

Slovenia is competitive and a pioneer in knowledge and innovation in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine, Slovenia is home to the most advanced technologies and technologies of the future, and Slovenia must use its potential in the area of investments in green energy and environmentally friendly business, were the main messages of the second day of the Slovenia Business Bridge Conference, which was marked by three panels that focused on topics related to Slovenia’s advantages in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine, digitization and investments.

Slovenia Business Bridge™ 2019

Innovation, cooperation and trust are the path to success. Distinguished speakers from Slovenia and abroad devoted their attention to innovation, cooperation, and trust as priority topics and factors for achieving good business results and success.