At the 3rd meeting of AmCham Young Leaders Club, which will be held on 14 May 2013, we will have the opportunity to host Ms. Liljana Cvjetičanin, Bachelor of Psychology, expert in human kinetics and graphologist, a top-level expert with more than 25 years of experience in the field of studies of an individual, his inner functioning and his response to external factors, impact of the environment and stressful situations of everyday life.
She will, together with the participants of the event, search for answers to the following issues: How to better get to know / recognize yourself and others? How to improve relationships? How to communicate and conform to different types of human behavior? How do we perceive ourselves and how are we perceived by others?
Liljana Cvjetičanin has – with her knowledge, experiences and creativity- proved to be an invaluable aid to many enterprise which engaged her as an external advisor for assistance in the fields of employment, improvement of management, how to carry out the anti-stress training for employees and for psychological counseling, at which, in addition to the cognitive method, she also follows her intuition, helps to improve the communication skills -and all these result in the increase of sales.
With her recent lecture she has already impressed the participants of the program AmCham Young Professionals. Therefore we have decided to enable also the participants of AmCham Young Leaders Club to have the privilege of attending her excellent workshop.
We are convinced that self-awareness and awareness of own feelings, intuition and, consequently, awareness of the world around us are the necessary (indispensable) foundations of every good business leader, and the knowledge of the whole process is a significant added value to the personality of each individual.
Participation fee for non-members is 100 € + vat.