Recent developments in EU tax law and in European Court of Justice decisions have resulted in some concrete opportunities for multi-national businesses to save tax, particularly around withholding tax suffered within Europe. Sjoerd Douma, who is a part of PwC’s global thought leadership group in the area of EU direct taxation, will talk about some of these cash-saving opportunities as well as looking at some other hot topics in EU taxation and considering what tax developments might be expected from the EU in the near future.
During the Buffet Business Meeting you will have an opportunity to discuss your current cross-border EU tax issues with Sjoerd and other tax advisors from PwC.
Ajša Vodnik, M. Sc.
Executive Director
Bio of guest speaker:
Sjoerd Douma
Relevant experience
Sjoerd Douma (1976) is Senior Tax Manager with PwC. He heads the Dutch branch of PwC’s EU Direct Tax Group, a network of EU law experts in all 27 EU Member States, Norway and
Sjoerd also advises clients, and renders second opinions to clients and to other advisors, on the interaction between EU law and corporate income tax, individual income tax and withholding tax systems. He has broad experience in EU tax law and tax controversy and assists the Tax Litigation and Mediation Department of PwC in the
Prior to joining PwC in 2004 Sjoerd was a legal clerk with the Tax Chamber of the Dutch Supreme Court, where he assisted one of the Advocates General and, subsequently, one of the judges. He is a member of the permanent committee of contributors to leading Dutch and international tax journals including “Highlights & Insights on European Taxation’, ‘Weekblad Fiscaal Recht’, ‘Fiscaal Weekblad FED’ and ‘Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht’. He has authored and co-authored numerous publications on national, international and European tax law.
Current position
· Senior Tax Manager, EU Direct Tax Group, PwC
· Lecturer Procedural Law and EU Law,
· Lecturer EU Law,
· Substitute Judge, Court of Appeals,
Academic background
· Master’s degree in Tax Law (1998)
· Degrees in Criminal Law and Civil Procedural Law (2003)
Specialization: EU tax law and procedural tax law