en English

The hosts of the event, H.E. Joseph A. Mussomeli, the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Slovenia and Matej Potokar, the President of the American Chamber of Commerce – AmCham Slovenia, invite you to join us on 6 & 7 November 2012, at Festivalna dvorana, Vilharjeva cesta 11, Ljubljana


* the Election Night Reception: Tuesday, 6 November, from 7 p.m. till midnight

* the Election Results Open House: Wednesday, 7 November, from 5 a.m. till 7:30 a.m.

(early morning coffee with the announcement of the election results)

Experience the excitement of the U.S. elections, learn about the democratic process, have your picture taken with President Obama or Governor Romney, cast a ballot, and enjoy a wonderful company.

Dress Code: Celebrating Democracy

Attendance with special invitation only.

Live music: Trio Kranjc