Before we are all scattered to the four winds all around the world during holidays, the AmCham Team wishes to thank you sincerely for all your contribution to our joint changing of business and social environment and for all your support of the projects of the American Chamber of Commerce- AmCham Slovenia with which we wish to exert influence upon the improvement of business and social climate in Slovenia. Thank you for all your professional participation within the AmCham Committees, which prepared a paper on their points of view, the »Position papers« for the Slovene Government.
We are pleased that you have in large numbers attended also our AmCham sports events such as AmCham Run Bled, AmCham Regatta and AmCham Family Sports Picnic, which gives us a pleasant feedback of your wish for gatherings also at our social events. We wish to transfer a healthy sports spirit and positive energy also into the spheres of economy and politics.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all again starting September.
Your AmCham Dream Team