The guests of the breakfast were reputable climatologist and co-receiver of Nobel price for peace 2007 prof. dr. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj and Janez Kopač, M.Sc, General Director of Directorate for Energy. The breakfast was held in Hotel Slon, where almost 90 businessman and ambassadors gathered. They spoke about the consequences of climatic changes on economy and of the possibilities of governmental approach to fulfil the needs of energy. The president of AmCham Mr. Tomaž Lovše warned that he as a businessman is asking himself about the meaning of further investments in thermoelectric plant Šoštanj and that he is worried about this kind of action.
Prof. dr. Kajfež Bogataj has emphasized that the decision not to act regarding climatic changes is the worst decision, because it will bring devastating environmental and economical consequences even on short term. We the people are primarily responsible for these changes.
There are only three way to confront climatic changes: relieving and reducing the causes of the change, adaptation, or suffering. At this point she emphasizes that the first two ways are our only chance.
Mr. Kopač emphasized that the government supports green technologies for gaining energy, but at the same time it must provide stability of energy procurement. He is aware that some decisions are not in line with sustainable development. Thermoelectric plant Šoštanj seems to be essential source of energy that needs to be kept and sustained or else we could have problems with procurement of energy after the year 2013. At the same time the need for energy will grow. Prompt construction of new nuclear plant is not realisable in short time, because of the various waiting lists for its component parts.