en English






Day 1: Agents of Change: Skills in managing the process of innovating

The first day we will test ourselves as a change agent in charge of implementing strategic projects in a particular company. Through the use of Harvard computer simulation, we will receive the challenge of how to properly map the actions of implementing the set change according to its role and other challenges that a particular organization faces. We will build a link between our own processes of change and the latest scientific insights into successful organizations change practices.

Who? Prof. dr. dr. Miha Škerlavaj, Professor of Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana.


Day 2: Sociodrama

The AmCham Young Professionals ™ Sociodrama will not be a drama circle, the script is not written in advance. In which roles will we try out which masks to put on and which to wear? Sociodrama is improvisation and role-plays here and now. Sociodrama comes from psychodrama, a psychotherapeutic method used to develop personal and professional potentials, imagination, flexibility, and expression.

Who? Ana Rokvić Pinterič, psychodrama therapist, SNG Drama.



When and where?

November 8 – 9, 2019

Rimske Terme, Toplice 10, 3272 Rimske Toplice

The invitation applies to participants of the 10th generation of AmCham Young ProfessionalsTM. The number of places is limited to 65. 'First come, first served' rules applies. Applications will be open one week until October 18, 2019.

Terms of participation are listed HERE. More information at young@amcham.si.



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