en English

55/ 7/ 38 is the communication formula within which only 7 % goes to content. What about the rest? In the overflow of messages, events, speakers, and presentations, it takes a lot to stand out. How to tell a story and win the hearts and minds of the audience? We will be mastering the art of communication and public speaking at our next meeting with Martina Merslavič, trainer and Own The Room Adriatic Region Lead.

The Own The Room public speaking sessions are no ordinary classes. Prepare to enter a communication boot camp where you will constantly be on your toes, work in pairs or small groups, and have numerous opportunities to put the theoretical techniques into practice.

Training outline:

1) Executive presence

2) Presenting powerfully with slides

3) Storytelling

4) Handling tough questions and objections


Martina Merslavič, trainer and Own The Room Adriatic Region Lead will be our communication coach. Martina is one of 50 globally certified coaches for Own The Room. She pushes individuals and organizations to speak outside of their comfort zone. She is firmly convinced that growth is only possible when stepping into the unknown, by trying out new approaches and learning by your own mistakes. She is certain that solving problems is the best way to progress. Her goal is to use every opportunity to raise the standards of public speaking and organizational communications. Martina has an excellent know-how of corporate and marketing communications, rich experience in account and business management and achieves excellent ratings as public speaking coach.