en English

Negotiations – Survival Kit for Leaders

Negotiations: art or science, a natural virtue or a learned craft? 

We will crack the myths about the negotiations.

#1 You either win or lose in a business negotiation.

#2 Good negotiators are born not made.

#3 To be a good negotiator you must be very argumentative and opinionated.

#4 Negotiating involves telling lies to get your way.

#5 Nice people end up last. 


We will be guided by dr. Ervin Pfeifer.

Dr. Ervin Pfeifer, Director and Owner, Avanton, business advisor, expert in business process reengineering and a master negotiator will guide us through the science and art of negotiations.

When and where?

May 9, 2017, 

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.,

Lila hall, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana.

Invitation applies to 7th generation of AmCham Young ProfessionalsTM. Please confirm your attendance. If you are unable to attend the event, please send a message to young@amcham.si.

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