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The creativity of an individual and a group. The world-established methods, that further the creativity, often because of Slovenian particularities, do not function in our environment. Concrete solutions to how to change and what one has to know and pay regard to in order to encourage himself as well the people he is leading, to be creative.

Many books have been written about creativity. A lot of attention was devoted to creativity also by scientists, who could actually only observe and took notes as they did not draw an artistic inspiration from it. Artists love to talk about a lot of things, however it is their own creative process that they are afraid to analyze – what if it were thus destroyed?

We will have the opportunity to meet someone who combines the scientific thinking and artistic sense.

We will be joined by an exceptional writer, anthropologist, screenwriter and multiple prize winner – Miha MAZZINI.

10 seats FREE- only for the fastest AmCham Members! Send e-mail to maja.kosir@amcham.si