en English


Aleksander Baretić (Mars Overseas Holdings), Eva Veselinovič (Ernst & Young), Nina Pirnat (Atlantic Trade), Peter Merc (Hypo Alpe Adria Bank) and Tomaž švajger (Roiss dva).

Special guest stars

H.E. Brent R. Hartley, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia

Matej Potokar, President of AmCham Slovenia

Gaj Stavber, AmCham Top Potential of the Year 2014

Directed by: Ajša Vodnik, Executive Director

Screenplay by: Maja Košir, Young Programs Manager

Story by: AmCham Team

Special features

AmCham Top Potential of the Year 2015 Award – Tin Vodopivec – Exclusive networking with guests – Fun & Laughter – Afterparty

Sponsor of the event:

Patrons of the programme: