en English

You are cordially invited to the AmCham Business Breakfast entitled

Healthcare Today and in the Future – How Can It Be Kept Accessible for Everyone?



Topics and questions:

Lack of medical personnel and the collapse of primary healthcare – how can the system be restored?

How to solve waiting time issues in healthcare?

How do patients feel about the (in)accessibility of Slovenian healthcare?

Why is it believed that the public healthcare system can only function through state healthcare providers?

Is the digitalization of healthcare a concrete solution or another complication? The importance of data and process optimization.

The event will also feature a comparison of healthcare systems in the CEE region and touch on areas where Slovenia has good practice examples.



The guests at the event will be:

Marko Pahor, PhD, Full Professor, Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, will share his view on the financing of the Slovenian healthcare system.

David Zupančič, MD, Infectious Disease Specialist and Public health influencer, will share with us how he sees Slovenian healthcare as a young doctor.

The discussion will be moderated by Vida Dolenc Pogačnik, COO and International Cooperation Leader, AmCham Slovenia, and coordinator of the Health and Wellbeing Committee.

The event will be held in Slovenian language with an English translation.



Attendance at the AmCham Business Breakfast:

The AmCham Business Breakfast will be held both live and virtually. The event will take place on Friday November 18, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., at Hotel Lev Vošnjakova ulica 1, Ljubljana.