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Project title: Transfer and imPlementation of good pRactices for improving wOrk-life balance, through training and education of eMployeEs and managers, with The aim of establisHing an organizational structurE and cUlture of companies, baSed on gender equality

Program: Norway Grants 2014 – 2021

The main goal of the PROMETHEUS project is the empowerment of employees, working at home or on location, with reliable measures, adapted for different levels of jobs in the  included companies, in order to facilitate the coordination of professional and private life.

An indirect goal of the project is thus the implementation of an individualized, tailor-made educational approach based on positive psychology, which contributes significantly to building a respectful organizational culture, grounded on gender equality and diversity. Since the main objective envisages a multidimensional approach to the implementation of the project, it contributes to the selected direct effect and result of the program in several different ways:

  1. By developing a combined integrated educational approach (workshops, lectures, counseling), which will empower employers and employees with a set of measures and tools to improve the coordination of professional and private life.
  2. By understanding and treating work at home as a particular challenge for balancing professional and private life.
  3. By strengthening the competences of employers and employees, based on individual treatment of the latter with the aim of bringing the educational program that is being developed closer to the diverse profiles of those involved, and enhancing the organizational culture based on gender equality and diversity.
  4. By developing and establishing a multi-level mentoring scheme, which will equip those it is aimed at with the skills and methods needed for easier coordination of professional and private life.
  5. By developing a digital tool for transferring knowledge about improving professional and private life beyond the consortium partnership.

The expected results of the PROMETHEUS project are:

  1. Improved employee knowledge and comprehension of the challenges, related to balancing professional and private life.
  2. Increased awareness among national stakeholders and decision-makers of the issue of balancing the professional and private lives of employees, and the importance of gender equality within companies’ organizational structures.
  3. Empowerment of employees and company managers with regard to enabling the coordination of professional and private life.
  4. Increased awareness of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and of the various personal circumstances of an employed person on the possibilities of balancing their professional and private life
  5. Scientific correlation between the challenges of balancing employees’ professional and private lives and their satisfaction with the workplace.
  6. Increased awareness of the importance of gender equality in companies among the general public.

All the results of the project contribute to the development of an organizational culture at companies that supports gender equality in at least three ways – by developing and contributing to knowledge, and by training and empowerment.

Lead partner: American Chamber of Commerce – AmCham Slovenia

Other partners in the PROMETHEUS project:

  • IPES – Gender Equality Research Institute, Maribor (Slovenia)
  • Merkur trgovina d. o. o. (Slovenia)
  • Riko, industrijski, gradbeni inženiring in leasing, d. o. o. (Slovenia)
  • Knauf Insulation d. o. o., Škofja Loka (Slovenia)
  • Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia)
  • A1 Slovenija, telekomunikacijske storitve, d. d. (Slovenia)
  • Norges Automobil-Forbund, the Norwegian Automobile Foundation (Norway)
  • AMZS, d. d. (Slovenia)
  • University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology (Slovenia)

Project duration: July 1st 2022 – April 30th 2024

Project value: EUR 497,867.05 (of which AmCham Slovenia’s share is: EUR 98,760.00)

Contact person: Tanja Petaković, 08 205 13 50, email: tanja.petakovic@amcham.si

The PROMETHEUS project is financed by Norway with funds from the Norway Grants 2014-2021, which represent the contribution of Norway towards a greener, more competitive and inclusive Europe, and the corresponding Slovenian participation within the framework of the program Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship. AmCham Slovenia is solely responsible for the content of this website and in no case is it considered to reflect the views of the Program Holder.


More about the project HERE

In the video below, you can watch a recording of an event on the topic of psychologically safe company culture, where, among other things, the Prometheus project was presented.