en English

Slovenia is becoming an increasingly attractive investment destination, but there is a lack of high-value-added investments, emphasized Mag. Matej Skočir, Deputy Director General for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation and Investments at the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports, during a meeting with members of the AmCham Investment Committee.

The guest began by providing an overview of global trends in foreign direct investment (FDI). Despite the increase in FDI in Slovenia since 2008, the ratio of FDI to GDP remains below the European average, indicating potential for further growth. The meeting also discussed proposed amendments to the Investment Promotion Act in Slovenia, aimed at improving transparency and support for both domestic and foreign investors. Participants stressed the importance of a clear decision-making framework, faster administrative and judicial procedures, strategic sectoral priorities, and maximizing the impact of FDI on exports and job creation in Slovenia’s evolving economic environment.

Notably, 1.8% of companies with foreign or mixed capital in Slovenia account for almost 50% of total exports, making such companies an essential part of the Slovenian economy. The Committee remains a dialogue partner for policy-makers in developing new investment legislation.