en English

The creation of the newest edition of an exclusive publication AmCham Yearbook, which AmCham Slovenia uses every year to present its work, activities, and its members, is in full swing.

AmCham Yearbook a.k.a. a recipe for spreading optimism, a catalog of newly discovered opportunities, and a book of heroes who are the engine and the heart of inspiration for positive change, is used as promotional and informative material for current and future business partners and will be accessible in a printed version (in 2,000 copies), as well electronically on the AmCham Slovenia website amcham.si (an average of 14,000 views a month).

AmCham Slovenia uses this publication to present itself to:

  • all its members (330 companies and more than 3000 contacts)
  • foreign diplomatic representatives in Slovenia
  • the network of 46 AmChams from 44 countries throughout Europe and Eurasia
  • the general international business public, and
  • numerous partners in the United States of America

The AmCham Yearbook is often also the first contact potential investors have with Slovenia.

Interested in joining the 2017/2018 edition of the AmCham Yearbook by placing a commercial ad and reaching a broad swath of the Slovenian and international business and diplomatic public? Contact Nina Marinšek: nina.marinsek@amcham.si for more information.