The winner of the 2017 Creative Network Award was selected at the 2017 AmChams In Europe Best Practice Conference, which brings together American Chambers from across Europe and wider Europe to exchange views on best practices in advocacy and communications. The conference took place from October 11-October 14, 2017 in Dublin, Ireland. AmCham Slovenia was represented by Nina Marinšek, the Memberships and Partnerships Manager.
The AmChams in Europe (ACE) Creative Network Award was established in 2014 with the aim of incentivizing AmChams to share creative initiatives and projects, fort he benefit of AmChams throughout the ACE network.
AmCham Slovenia is a proud winner of 2016 Creative Network Award, when the delegates were inspired by the Partnership for Change project.
Invested in Europe: Our Stories is an online platform designed to communicate the commitment of US business to the European community through specific examples of two kinds of company contributions: financial investments and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.