We are inviting our members to support the Work from Anywhere initiative. The initiative was launched by Microsoft’s Slovenian subsidiary and NGO Zavod Ypsilon. Its goal is to raise awareness about the benefits of modern and more flexible forms of work and remote work. Companies and organizations can become supporters by visiting the website www.ustvarjamkjerkoli.org/podpiram (all it takes is a couple of clicks and a company logo).
As part of the initiative, Microsoft and Zavod Ypsilon will work with their partners Telekom Slovenije and City Municipality of Ljubljana to organize Work from Anywhere day event, which will take place on March, 21 in Kongresni trg at 11.00 a.m. They will showcase modern solutions for working from anywhere and give the city park visitors and supporters the opportunity to create outside. You are cordially invited to join us and show your support for the initiative.
On the same day at noon, Kongresni trg will also host a roundtable debate entitled ”Work from Anywhere – An Opportunity or a Trap?” Kindly invited to join us.