en English

»Slovenia should improve its expertise in storytelling,« is convinced Enzo Smrekar, General Manager and Member of the Board at Droga Kolinska, who shared his opinion with the participants of the Empower Lunch in February. He emphasized that there are many excellent and quality products made in Slovenia, but the lack of storytelling shows in no or low sales of these products outside the Slovenian borders. There are few rare and very successful cases, which could be taken as a good example.

Mr. Smrekar is a long-time and dedicated mentor in AmCham Young ProfessionalsTM program and likes to share his rich entrepreneurial experience. The discussion at lunch covered themes such as (un)employment in Slovenia,  jobs of the future, time management, headhunting, talent race, women in business and what to focus on when starting a new company. »When young people are looking for their first job, it should be about getting new knowledge, experience, references, not just about finances,« added Mr. Smrekar.