en English

Sašo Berger, President of AmCham Slovenia, Chairman of the Board, S&T Slovenia

What motivates you in life and what are you most proud of?

I am motivated by the inquisitiveness of my two sons. Business-wise I am motivated by a possibility to co-create a more advanced society by solving challenging business and information challenges, which is the mission of S&T Slovenia, which I lead. I am most proud of my family and of the success of my team and their development.

What values ​​lead you with your work?

Responsibility, innovation, trust, collaboration – these are the values I want to live by myself and by my team day by day.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your business career so far?

That the business is completed when it is properly finished and paid, and that an individual can achieve nothing without a team.

Nominate one of your colleagues, who is also a member of the AmCham community, to become the next Face of AmCham!

I nominate Barbara Domicelj, CEO of Microsoft Slovenia.