Postanite tudi vi član AmCham komisije za družbeno odgovornost. Tokrat v razširjeni sestavi s posebno gostjo gospo Danielle Hartmann iz Washingtona.
Danielle Hartmann bo spregovorila o najnovejših trendih na temo družbene odgovornosti in nam ponudila dragocene izkušnje iz svojih projektov. Gostjo prihaja v sodelovanju z Ameriškim veleposlaništvom v Sloveniji.
Srečanje bo 10.oktobra, ob 14.00, v Inovacijskem centru IBM, Kristalna palača, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.
Tokrat bo zaradi tuje gostje srečanje potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
Teme srečanja:
1. Predstavitev dobrih praks CSR članov AMCham
2. Poročilo o vseslovenskem projektu “AmCham teden korporativnega prostovoljstva – Vračamo družbi”
3. Predstavitev Danielle Hartmann, Washington
CV: Danielle Hartmann, Director, Corporate Partnerships
Danielle is the Director of Corporate Partnerships at the Center for Work & Family, managing corporate relations and programming for the National Workforce Roundtable and the Global Workforce Roundtable. Danielle works consultatively with leading multi-national organizations from a diverse set of industries, committed to making significant progress in the areas of work-life and workforce management. With her background in socio-cultural anthropology and international communications, Danielle bridges academic research with corporate practice to help practitioners implement work-life programs in a culturally-sensitive manner to meet the needs of diverse local environments.
Danielle is sought after as a speaker and advisor to global organizations on topics such as flexible work arrangements, diversity and inclusion, cross-cultural communications, wellbeing and other work-life initiatives. She has authored and edited a number of publications on the multigenerational workforce, international work-life, and integrating work-life and wellbeing. Prior to joining the Center for Work & Family, Danielle designed, developed, and led global training courses for US State Department officials and corporate business executives. She spent 10 years in academia, managing multi-year international research projects, forging international partnerships, and developing new externally-funded initiatives. Danielle attained her BA from Brown University in Anthropology and Economics and a master’s degree in International Communications from American University.