Exchange of employees between Ministry of Public Administration and AmCham member companies
At today's press conference, Minister for Public Administration Boris Koprivnikar and Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia (AmCham Slovenia) mag. Ajša Vodnik presented a pilot project of cooperation between public administration and companies, which they named "Partnership for Change". The exchange of employees between the Ministry and companies, will take place between June 1 and 5 and will occur in both directions. Thus, 15 companies (both domestic and foreign, who are members of AmCham Slovenia) will accept 15 employees of the Ministry for 5 working days, while the Ministry will also accept employees of companies involved in the exchange program, who are keen to learn about the work of the Ministry.
The participating companies are as follows:
Bisnode d.o.o., Microsoft d.o.o., Ljubljana, IBM Slovenija d.o.o., Comtrade d.o.o., KPMG poslovno svetovanje d.o.o., Danfoss Trata d.o.o., Merck Sharp &Dohme d.o.o., Competo d.o.o., SAP d.o.o., Deloitte d.o.o., Knauf Insulation d.o.o., NLB d.d., Halcom d.d., ABC Accelerator – ABCITI d.o.o. in Steklarna Hrastnik d.o.o.
Please find more information on our Slovenian site.