en English

How to be more innovative, how to deal with an even greater productivity, and how to find motivation for yourself and your team were the questions we tackled with the AmCham Young Leaders Club last Thursday.

Management 3.0 is a workshop about the future of work and management, designed to inspire managers and team members, who face the challenge of transforming their organizations to be more innovative, with a higher productivity. It helps managers doing the right thing for their team, involving everyone in improving the system and fostering employee engagement.

Voranc Kutnik, CorpoHub, has led us through the workshop. He is an agile enthusiast who thrives on working with teams and helping them embrace agile values and principles to build better products, faster. He is CSM, CSPO, Agile coach and the only Licensed Management 3.0 Trainer in Slovenia.

In order to make self-organization of teams work in your organization, we focused on its foundation: how to establish self-organizing teams, authorization distribution, the challenges of empowerment, how to grow relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributed control, such as the 7 levels of delegation, and authority boards. To make the meeting a bit more interactive, members of the AmCham Young Leaders Club had to solve a case, that stated:

“You are the manager of three self-organizing teams. The CEO comes to you and says, “There will be a bonus at the end of the year, but the size will depend on the performance of your teams. The better they do, the higher the bonus. But I do not want to decide who gets how much. So please come up with a solution that is fair for everyone and that will make it clear who will get how much of the bonus at the end of the year.” 

They tried Management 3.0 method, played with different options, and we got six different, but extremely interesting solutions, which will surely come in handy.