en English

At the Corporate Volunteering Day event, we rolled up our sleeves and fully renovated rooms for 12 children of the Residential Treatment Institution Planina. This was done together with corporate representatives and project supporters: Abbvie, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Petrol, Europlakat TSmedia, Aviat, Microsoft, Vez-je, Jadek & Pensa Law firm, U.S. Embassy employees as well as with the help of workers and children from the Residential Treatment Institution Planina.

Planina is the first real home for these children, their first safe environment, the first space they can call "my room" – things that the rest of us take for granted. Thanks to Vez-je and Microsoft, we also equipped each of the 30 rooms with computers and software. Over 150 volunteers worked together for the benefit of the children. Thanks also to Studio Moderna, OBI and JUB, which helped with material donations and to Orbico and Mars for donations for the children.




The Residential Treatment Institution Planina provides social services in the field of education and upbringing for children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional disorders as well as those with mild intellectual disabilities, who are unable to participate in mainstream education. The institution provides in-house primary schooling with an adapted curriculum, and vocational training in the fields of woodsmanship, biotechnology and assistance in care services. Moreover, the institution provides literacy training to Roma children, who have never attended school. Between 20 and 37 adolescents from across Slovenia live in five separate houses in the middle of a newer settlement and are being taken care of by caring teachers, educators, nurses, counselors, a psychiatrist and administrative technical personnel, all of whom have a great deal of passion and understanding, day and night.


David Burger, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy Ljubljana:

We are proud to cooperate with AmCham in the corporate volunteering project. Volunteering and corporate social responsibility are very important activities in the United States. Let's lend a hand to the children in the Planina institution. I am very happy that a lot of us are here from the Embassy and that we can create and do something good together.


Ajša Vodnik, MSc, Executive Director of AmCham Slovenia:

Today we will do something good for each other and with each other. Thanks to all the volunteers.


Leonida Zalokar, PhD, Principal of the Residential Treatment Institution Planina:

I am very touched. Societies also vary according to the extent to which they are willing to give and help the most vulnerable group of the population, the children with special needs. Considering our program, Planina is the first institution in Slovenia, even in Europe, which offers comprehensive care, including medical care. All of us here are working with the desire to give the children only the best and we love them sincerely.


Maja Vauda and Natalija Petkovič Podjaveršek, Abbvie:

We are an innovative company with a broad mission. We want to improve the lives of the people in a broad sense. Projects such as Giving Back to the Community definitely fit into this category. Regardless of the fact that we are an international company, we are very involved in the local community. We regularly participate in the Giving Back to the Community program and are spreading the good practices of AmCham Slovenia.


Tina štrubelj, Aviat:

Today's project at the Planina institution is the conclusion of a campaign, organized within the AmCham Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. It is nice to see so many people in one place, achieving visible results. I cannot believe how much can be done in such a short time.


Matej Potokar, Microsoft: Corporate Volunteering Day is a big inspiration to all of us, who participate, mainly because it gives us an opportunity to do something good for those less privileged. Such an experience enriches and inspires us all. Anyone who spends a day as a participant in a project like this one is enriching himself and others, and goes home with positive emotions. I believe this is a story that should come to life in all its glory throughout Slovenia.


Children from the Planina institution also helped with the renovation themselves. Davor said:

I am very much looking forward to moving into a new house, but I am even more excited about the holidays!


Sena, a drummer at the Care Institution Planina, added:

Today is our special day, it's great that so many people visited us. We engage in many activities here. I like drumming and I am very happy that today I could play the drums for you.


Urban Korenjak, Europlakat:

Europlakat supports all forms of cooperation, especially volunteering. We participate at the Corporate Volunteering campaign every year, because we know that with small steps we can achieve big things. We all need this!


In addition to the Corporate Volunteering Day events, charity and volunteering events are taking place across Slovenia, in different NGOs, schools and institutions, throughout the year.


Maruša Kmet, Založba Rokus Klett, a regular participant of the Giving back to the Community program, shared her impressions:

Our contribution this year was directed towards landscaping the surroundings of the Anton Janša Elementary School, which is more than just a school for students with special needs. The day we spent with the children and employees will remain in our hearts forever.


See the Video clip from SVET: Renovation of the Residential Treatment Institution Planina



Before and after